what is film reframed?


Film Reframed is an online film education founded by passionate industry professionals who had questions that traditional film schools just couldn't answer.

By deconstructing the work of master filmmakers, we explore the process behind building a shot that thoroughly supports your narrative. Roman uses detailed drawovers to uncover the choices that make your favorite movies so affecting, leaving you with specific, practical insights you can use to bring your vision to the screen.

We’re here to guide you toward a radically unique way of approaching storytelling. Reframe your perspective, cultivate a deeper understanding of visual language, enrich the way you tell stories, and take your films from good to GREAT.


why focus on composition and framing?

Composition is the foundation of visual storytelling. Each shot in a film contains layers of narrative meaning, and the arrangement of elements within that frame can communicate conscious and unconscious information to an audience in a powerful way.

You may find you learned how to capture images, instead of create them.
The idea of intentional shot design through composition is under-educated, and as a result many professional filmmakers still don’t know how to articulate their visual ideas.

That’s where we come in.

By learning the principles of composition, you can create effective, memorable shots, gain confidence in your storytelling, and truly develop your unique director’s voice.



“It wasn’t until taking these courses that I realized just how much I missed out on in both my arts education and my on-set learning. Film Reframed is teaching topics that I feel like I should have already known, but didn't, and imparting that information in incredibly dynamic and easily understandable ways.”

Lex Voight, Director of Photography
Los Angeles

“We really, really enjoyed your workshop yesterday and learned so much from it. It’s everything we wish we’d be learning at film school, ha! I feel your class was on a whole 'nother level. Like a completely different world. It was easily understandable and at the same time detailed and in-depth, taking on the nitty-gritty of filmmaking. We loved your combination of abstract theory and then the hands-on interactive part.”

Paul Sonntag, Director of Photography

“I attended your webinars and as a seasoned producer I can tell you - they were one of the best lectures I have ever had! Credit where credit is due!”

Tina Preschitz, Executive Producer
Barcelona/Vienna/Los Angeles

“These classes have given me the confidence to explore and translate my ideas. Roman turns theory into visual, practical resources. His enthusiasm and thoughtful guidance ensures I always come away from class with a renewed love for my craft.”

Lauren Midwinter, Director

“Film reframed does a remarkable job of combining technical knowledge with creative inspiration. The concepts I’ve learnt here have given me the confidence to create with a clear sense of how to communicate with an audience.”

Kosta Karakashyan, Director

“I always come out of these workshops with a fresh lens. They sharpen my focus, not only on what I want each of my own images to look like, but more importantly - what I want them to say.”

Benjamin Garst, Director

“The workshop was so, so good. It really fueled my brain and imagination. And you’re a pleasure to listen to!”

Charlotte De Cort, Director

“Film friends! These classes with Roman LC Martinez have been perhaps the most inspiring and useful part of quarantine. I find the lectures super energizing, thoughtful, and extremely informative.”

Ijaaz Noohu, Director
Los Angeles

“I feel a little exposed when it comes to visual storytelling - I grew up on sets, and have a strong sense of what it takes to get a set working, but have had little view into how you step-by-step bring all of the elements together. Thank you so much for putting so much thought into explaining and moving through the ideas slowly and methodically. It was incredibly helpful!”

Izzy Shill, Actor/Director